We believe that changing the way we produce and distribute food is fundamental to solving the world’s most pressing social and ecological problems.
Crapes Fruit Farm has been a family Orchard for over 100 years, growing a variety of top fruits and focusing on a wide range of heritage Apple varieties. In recent years, in response to the changing climate's effect on apple yields, market gardener Ben has increased the vegetable production. He sells seasonal veg alongside the fruit. We only sell what is grown on the farm. We practice agroecological methods, using composts, green manures and no-till and minimal tillage techniques. We use no synthetic herbicides or fertilisers.
We pay our suppliers at least 50% of the retail value for any products we buy in, and when dealing with wholesalers, we check to make sure they pay fair prices to their growers.
Local food supports local economies. Food grown in the local community supports local jobs and encourages variety in our diets. It also requires less transportation, so it's fresher and has a smaller environmental footprint.
They are a magical addition to my life. Beautiful fresh fruit and vegetables ... at an affordable cost and a chance to support local growers. It's a no brainer really!
Your first box is only a few clicks away. Get a box of fresh, local food in your kitchen soon, packed with care and supporting your local farmers and artisan producers.